Thursday, December 11, 2008

You need change...

A situation that happened today put my brain to work, again....

Why do people not like change?

Everything changes.
All the natural elements change.
Seasons change, our bodies change, planets change, cultures change and also our individual natures change.
But, why not us?

Change for better is most of the times good. We always want everything around us to get better. We want others to bring that change in their companies or homes or organizations. But, if that same change is proposed, to make things better in your/our personal sphere, only makes our limbs weak.

I feel that why nobody likes change, is because they are afraid of losing control or authority.

People are always ready to critisize or correct others. They give big 'bhashans' about how to run the world. But, what is this critisizm doing???
Guys we will only listen to you for a while. After that you are just a target of our jokes.

I dare these people to do the same in their small world. I bet they all will fail. No wonder these so called 'critiques' have never contributed for the betterment of the world. But, if someone else want to make things better, then they will surely not like it and if possible not allow it.

I have always faced this kinda 'critiques'. Whenever I talk about change, people around me change.

This is Einstein's answer to people like this :

‘I am thankful to all those that said NO. Its because of them that I did it myself’. “
“Have indomitable faith in your strengths. Then victory over weaknesses is an easy task.”
“Kind words can be soft, but their echoes can be truly endless.”

Amitabh Bachan said:
'It is easy to reconcile oneself with, but when others do not find themselves in the same situation as I do, the task of passing judgement seems so much simpler. For them it is a passing remark. For me it is a scar in the brain; one that never heals.'

When successful people like them say these words, then I think I am on the right path. I am a 'Revolution' and if things does not work at one place .... I will move on till I find 'the place'.

until next time ...
try to understand me with a smile


Vaisshali said...

nice 2 see u write on same topic we r talking 2dy..change...yes life is meant 4 ours looks change by many examples of people who dont change by time they stood behind n whole world go many steps futher...

i love changes..n adventures...

nice 2 meet u..i thank my self some time as i take lead n cme 2 u n talk 2 some 1 is here who atleast think as me....our mental level wishes...

Lenigma said...

I agree with you, V.
I also like the way you think. and hopefully we both can bring some change n good things to indian community in chattanooga.

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