Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wise King Solomon's 44 Seals

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Passionate!!! WHAT??

What am I passionate about??

I am a student ambassador and a student leader at Gwinnett Technical College. I love being an ambassador. As an ambassador, I was able to participate in many cultural events and host some. I got the oppurtunity to hone my skills and put most to use. Made many new friends, learnt a lot about other cultures and lifestyles.
So, where am going with all this??? Read on dear...
I recently got a complement from a co-ambassador, that I am very PASSIONATE.
Passionate?? about what?? I was not able to ask her... but started my own 'inner' research to get the answer.
So after lot of thinking and browsing on all my interest topics, I came up with my own - 'passion list'.
Before I can write about the list I should first write how I came up with it.
Webster = Passion - Etymology : Latin - passion, passio = suffering....
Meaning : intense, driving, overmastering emotion compelling action.

First, I questioned myself: why I am on this earth?
Is it to be born, learn to walk, talk, get educated, party, complete education, party, get a job, fall in love, get married, volunteer, have kids, party, be popular, volunteer, higher education, earn money, church activities.... NOW WHAT??? ahhh!!!
Surely, there is more to life...
Then, I asked myself... how am I different from others? Do I want to follow the crowd or walk 'the road not taken'.
Since childhood, I was always ..... umm ... different, and I loved it.
So... the answer to my question is... I am on this earth to make a difference. WOW!!!
Therefore, how do I make a difference?? I donno yet... but I know what I am passionate about and where I wanna make a difference.
What is passion?
Here goes my list :
1. Christ - Spirutuality
2. Global Issues - People
3. Business
4. Art
5. Science
6. Entertainment
7. Technology
Emotions :
1. Ingenius
2. Inspiring
3. Couragious
4. Fascinating
5. Funny
6. Innovative
7. Compassion
1. Children - welfare, defence, rights
2. Women's rights
3. Human trafficing
4. Africa genocide
5. Farmers - India
Now that I made this list, I have to pray that I will be able to make a difference in few hundred, nope... few thousand lives ( never keep a low standard ).
Passion has its own energy, that is obsverable and transferable.

Monday, September 28, 2009

My search for the 'perfect job 4 me' ...



Which -ology???
Did I tell you that I am a Gemini. ( I do not follow star signs religiously, but I am a in search for deeper understanding of 'my' ecosystem. )

So, being a Gemini means - Change, variety, novelty... and so this trait made me change my decision about what I want for a career.
And this time ( am hoping will be the last, last time ) it is :
Yep!!! Where I first started.


What made me change my mind??
Well a lot of brian washing from my extended family, support from my intending friends, understanding($$$$$) from my loving husband and praying n thinking on my part.

Everyone has their best interest on their mind for me, but I also realized that I needed a dose of reality.

After a lot of confusion and listening 'Hot n Cold' song a million times,,

I... moved to Atlanta, rented an apt, joined Nynee in a good pre-school and enrolled myself in Gwinnett tech.
After one quarter of A+ grades, AMBITION has hit me hard and I am realizing that - there cannot be a mountain too high if we set our mind to conquer it.
And what it conquering??
To gain mastery over..
Win by overcoming obstecles..
To overcome by mental or moral power.

Now let us see where this path leads to? Will keep you posted on that, but as of now watch this music video and enjoy.

Chao 4 now

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Mirchi Ka Saalan

I promised a new, sweet acquaintance of mine that I will post 2 famous Hyderabadi recipies - Mirchi ka saalan, Dumm Biriyani and will add one more ... Double ka Meeta.

Mirchi Ka Saalan :

Ingredients -
Fat, long mirchi (or) Capsicum - 6

Oil - 1/2 cup

Ground paste :

2 onion + 4 chillies + 1/4 bunch coriander leaves - Paste
ginger & garlic paste - 4tbsp
1 handful peanuts + 1 handful sesame seeds - Dry fry - add 1 tomato and make paste.
1-1/2 lemon size tamarind + 3cup water- soak for 1/2 hour (or) microwave for 2mts.

Dry Masala:

Bay leaf - 2
cardamum - 4
cinnamon stich - 1 inch
cloves - 4
shahjeera - 1/2 tsp

Ground masala:

Chilli powder - 1 tbsp
coriander powder - 1 tsp
jeera powder - 1 tsp
turmeric - pinch
garam masala - pinch
coconut powder - 1 tbsp

salt - to taste

coriander leaves to garnish.

Procedure :

1. Heat oil in a kadai.
2. Add dry masala and after few seconds add the cut chillies (or) capsicum.
3. Fry the cillies/capsicum until golden brown. Seperate them from oil and place them in a bowl.
4. Now, in the same oil add the onion paste and fry on medium heat, until the oil seperates from the onions.
5. Add the G&G and fry for 3-4 mts or until golden brown.
6. Now add the peanut paste along with all the powder masalas and fry for 3 mts.
7. Once done add the tamarind juice and chillies/capsicum and cook on low heat till the oil seperates from the curry.
8. Garnish with coriander leaves.
9. Njoy with either biriyani or pulao.


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

2009 Fashion Trends

See-through and Sheer fabric

Bikini Trend

Leather Pencil skirt

Maxi Trend

Butterfly Motif

Jewel encrusted Clothing

Chao for new


Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Lot of things happened since my last blog. But, the best one is... I joined a cosmetology school. To me, Fashion and Beauty are like food and water. And I always thought that I know a lot about them. EEHHHH!! I was wrong. Cosmetology school humbled me. The in-depth courses has enlightened me. Now... I am on a quest for perfection. Quest for right products and techniques.

Right now we are studying about makeup. As I have sensitive skin, I am searching for organic makeup products. And as I am an Asian-Indian, I have to find the right colors to go with my complexion. Prescriptives' were always my favorite. But...

So far below are the product brands that have impressed me ( read the ingredients).

Dr. Hauschka
Yes to Tomatoes - I am using the moisturizer. I love it.
Yes to Carrots
Lavera - am ordering a lipstick so will soon know about it.

So, let me see how far this new love will take me.

Chao for now

Sunday, January 4, 2009

NYR - New Year Resolutionssss

This happens to me every year. The last week of December and the first weeks of January are very stressful. I am stressed with anitcipation for the coming year. Hoping that atleast this year, I will be content. But, I still have to learn the definition of contentment.... but thats an entirely different story.

Now, I wanna talk about good things... like New Year Resolutions.

I know it is not a good thing for all, but it is for me. I love to make NYR and keep them. This gives me a sense of achievement. so, I decided to make 24 Resolutions. Then I thought... wow!!!
and came down to 12 which will be one for one month. So here they are...

1. Pursue my passion… to serve humanity in every way possible. – best way to do it is to volunteer.
2. Ponder on my dream – to become a talk show host.
3. Go to college – after I decide which major. I have a bachelors degree in Genetics and wanted to do research work. But you know ….. I also love fashion and aesthetics.
4. Be helpful to at least 3 people – there are so many I know that are struggling to achieve their dreams, or write a book, or just go to school. And I think I can be an interventionist.
5. Read a book a month. This will save me from starvation of my spirit and soul.
6. Be adventurous and spontaneous – have no idea what it will be, but will tell you at the end of the year.
7. Join two new associations and be an active member.
8. Eat healthy food. Have facial once a month.
9. Have a vision for life. Start writing my thoughts in a book and put them together at the end of the year to see what I actually want from life. Because life to is to lived to the fullest and worthy.
10. I should be a great impact on the world. Write a book, and start video blogging soon.
11. Diligently voice a cause. Still deciding which one it will be – Children with HIV, Kids sex trafficking, India : Population….
12. Support 2 charity or orphanage – One in India and the other in a different country.

And finally, I want to remind myself to ' DO NOT SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF'.

Chao for now
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